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Hi! I'm Adrienne.

Reset Your Routine, Reclaim Joy

Hey there, Reader!

I’ve just touched down in Boston, ready to soak up some precious family time. But here’s a little truth bomb: whenever I’m out of my usual routine, I find it absolutely essential to be super deliberate about carving out both work time and me-time. It’s all too easy to get swept up in the whirlwind of travel and loved ones. Yet, remembering to set a clear intention for self-care is my non-negotiable. It’s not just about balance; it’s about honoring our needs amidst the chaos of life.


Weekly Dose of Inspiration:

🎧 Podcast Highlight: Dive into Episode 055: Revitalize Your Work: Genuine Reset Day with RD Weeks. It’s a breath of fresh air for anyone feeling the grind a little too much. RD shares the revolutionary concept of the Genuine Reset Day - a day to get a week's worth of work done in the most joy-filled way possible. This episode is a game-changer for reimagining how we approach our work and life. Click here to listen.​

💡 Weekly Wisdom: This week, challenge yourself to intentionally set aside time for YOU. Whether it's a quick meditation, a walk in nature, or something as simple as enjoying a cup of coffee in silence, make it a priority. It’s these small moments that recharge our souls and give us the strength to give our best to the world.

✨ Empowering Quote: "The greatest wealth is to live content with little." — Plato. This reminder teaches us the beauty of simplicity and finding joy in the small things, especially when life gets hectic.

✨ Reflective Quote: "Self-care is not a waste of time; self-care makes your use of time more sustainable." — Jack Kornfield. Let’s remember, taking time for ourselves isn’t selfish; it's essential to keep giving our best to what truly matters.

❓ Thought-Provoking Question: What’s one small act of self-care you can practice today to nourish your soul?

🎯 Challenge for the Week: Identify one thing you’ve been denying yourself - whether it’s rest, play, or simply space to breathe. Commit to giving yourself that gift this week. Notice how it shifts your energy and presence in everything you do.


So, what do you truly need right now? Take a moment to listen to your heart, then go ahead and give that to yourself. You absolutely deserve it. It's these acts of self-love and care that fuel us to live our truth and love our life to the fullest. Until next time, live your truth, love your life.


With love,



PS: Before you go... I'm offering a free 30-minute introduction to coaching session. It's a no-pressure, heart-to-heart chat where we explore what coaching can do for you and how we can unlock your full potential together. Ready to take the first step towards a more fulfilling life?



Let's Connect!

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​​Click to listen to the Live Your Truth Love Your Life Podcast on Spotify.​​

​​Click to listen to the Live Your Truth Love Your Life Podcast on Apple Podcasts.​​

1776 N Scottsdale Rd #881, Scottsdale, AZ 85253
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Hi! I'm Adrienne.

I'm Adrienne, a life coach 💜, the voice behind the Living With Loss podcast 🎙️, and the author of Scattered Thoughts on Loss: Grief Haikus 📖. I provide grief support to help you create emotional stability and find happiness, peace, and purpose. You may not have chosen all the changes or the loss in your life, but you get to choose what happens next.✨ Let’s pick up the pieces so you can REALLY live again. 🦋

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