How to Find Joy Again—Even When Life’s Been a Mess

Hey there, Reader!


I’ve been asked this question three times just this week. Three times! Sure, the wording was a bit different each time, but the heart of it stayed the same. And with the holiday season coming up—when we all feel the tug of joy and connection—you might be wondering the exact same thing:

👉 how do i find joy in life again after going through hard times?

First of all, if you're wondering this, take a deep breath and give yourself a big, compassionate hug. Life’s tough moments can feel like a heavy fog that doesn’t lift—but trust me, that fog can and will clear.

Joy is not a distant land, but something you can start feeling in your life again, right where you are.

Now, I’m going to share a simple, three-step process that’ll help you rediscover joy. Not the fleeting, Instagram-filter kind of joy, but the real-deal, deep-down joy that fills you up and keeps you going.


1. start with tiny sparks of joy (Yes, tiny!)

When life’s thrown you a curveball, it can be tempting to think you need a massive overhaul to find happiness again. Not true.

Big changes are overwhelming and can make you feel even more stuck.

Instead, aim for those tiny sparks of joy that are already accessible to you. What makes you smile or lifts your spirits, even if it’s just a little? It could be a walk in the fresh air, a cozy cup of tea, your favorite song on repeat, or laughing at a silly movie.

My go-to: a walk outside every day, regardless of the weather. For the month of November, I’m walking (or running) one mile every day as a part of the Gratitude On The Move 30-day Mindset Reset I’m hosting. You can still join here!

✨ These little experiences will slowly begin to create a habit of joy.


2. reconnect with your senses

When life gets hard, we tend to live in our heads, analyzing, overthinking, and replaying all the “what-ifs” and “should-haves.”

But joy lives in the present moment, and your senses are your secret weapon for getting there.

Try this: take a mini joy break every day. Notice the taste of your food, listen to the sounds around you, feel the texture of something soft, smell a favorite scent. These sensory experiences pull you out of your head and into the beauty of the moment.

✨ These simple, sensory experiences remind you that life, even with its struggles, still has room for pleasure.


3. take one brave step towards something you love

Here’s a truth bomb: joy loves action. Think of one thing—just one—that you love or that excites you, even if it feels small or silly. Is there a class you’ve been curious about? A new skill you’ve wanted to learn?

Taking action on something you enjoy doesn’t just distract you from your hard times; it reconnects you with the things that make you feel alive.

So, take one brave step in that direction. Just one.

The beauty of this step is that it also reaffirms something important: you’re capable of creating joy. You’re not a passive player in this journey; you’re the creator.

✨ With each small, brave step you take, you’re reminding yourself of your power to build a life that lights you up.


remember, joy isn't gone –it's just waiting for you to reconnect

You might be in a season of rebuilding, and that’s okay. Seasons change, and so will yours. Trust that joy will grow as you invite it back into your life with intention, patience, and those small steps.

You’ve got this.


With love,







let's connect

In the midst of grief? Check out my book, Scattered Thoughts on Loss: Grief Haikus. Available here on Amazon.​

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