Happy New Year: Reflections, Choices & Magic ✨

Hey there, Reader!

I hope you’ve been well, rested, and had at least a few moments of peace and joy this holiday season. I know the holidays aren’t always happy, and they don’t have to be, but I do believe it’s important to create moments of what we need.

On Christmas Eve, I posted a picture on Instagram of me in my (new!) wearable snowman blanket. The photo was taken while I was being my most ridiculous (and authentic) self, and I felt called to share it.

The thing that stood out to me in that photo was how it captured the essence of my holiday experience: silly, joyful, peaceful.

In fact, I was living my intention—to create the holiday I wanted to have, regardless of the circumstances in my life or the lives of those I love. All the things that aren’t “right” (aka not living up to expectations I created) or are deeply painful (illness, disease, setbacks, interrupted plans) wouldn’t overshadow what’s still good.

Two truths showed up for me again and again this year:

  1. Pain and joy can exist at the same time.
  2. Life can be turned upside down, and we can still enjoy moments within the madness.

After I posted that photo, I made the classic holiday mistake—I scrolled social media and checked my email. Why that felt necessary on Christmas Eve, I’m not sure (phone addiction, anyone?).

As I scrolled, everything felt so noisy. Every other message was selling something. Highlight reels everywhere. And endless opportunities to compare myself to someone else’s curated holiday perfection.

So, I shut it all down.


I wanted to soak in the magic that I could create.

Because here’s the truth: the easiest way to lose that magic is to hand over your attention and energy to things that don’t align with your desires and intentions.

Christmas comes once a year. I’ve been fortunate to have 39 of them so far. If age predictions and family history have any say in the matter, I’ll be lucky to have another 35 to 40 (hello, optimism!).

That means I likely have the same number or fewer Christmases left than I’ve already experienced. And there’s no guarantee they’ll all be healthy, or even possible.

So I’m going to make them count. And this year, that meant going offline.

Energy flows where our focus goes.

We’ve all heard it, probably too many times if you’re a self-help connoisseur like me 🙋‍♀️.

But this holiday season, I felt it.

I had a choice:

  • Focus on what’s not right, what’s hard, and who I’m not spending the holidays with—and let myself sink into the pain of that.
  • Or, consciously create the most magical experience I could with where I was and who I was with, outside world be damned—and let myself feel the joy of that.

I chose the latter. It required effort, energy, and letting go of what I thought the holiday should look like.

And in the end? It turned out better than I could have imagined.

The choices in front of us aren’t always easy. But the choices are there.

When we’re in pain, it’s so easy to blind ourselves to those choices. But they’re still there.

So, why not make the choice that serves us the most?

Wrapping Up 2024

As we step into 2025, I hope you’ll take a little time to reflect. Look back at the choices you made this past year and the results they created.

  • Did your actions (or inactions) move you closer to the life you want to live?
  • Or did they keep you stuck in patterns that don’t serve you?

This isn’t an exercise to wake up the gremlins and bathe in shame. It’s an opportunity to notice—really notice—what worked and what didn’t, so you can make more conscious choices moving forward.

If you want to dive deeper, download the workbook below.

No matter what circumstances you find yourself in, my hope for you is that 2025 becomes your most peaceful, aligned, and joy-filled year yet.


With love,




P.S. If you’re feeling called to pause, reflect, and step into the new year with clarity, I’ve got something for you. This End of Year Reflections Workbook isn’t another “to-do” on your list—it’s an invitation. Pour yourself a cup of tea, light a candle, and carve out a little time just for you. These prompts are here to guide you, not rush you. Take what you need, leave the rest.

👉 Click to download: End of Year Reflections.pdf​

And if something meaningful comes up—or if you’d love a little coaching around what you uncover—hit reply and share it with me. I’d love to hear from you. 💬




New Year, New Chapter – Let’s Create a Plan That Excites You.



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In the midst of grief? Check out my book, Scattered Thoughts on Loss: Grief Haikus. Available here on Amazon.​

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