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Hi! I'm Adrienne.

Ease Back Into Routine With Grace

Hey there, Reader!

I've just returned from a whirlwind trip and, let me be honest, slipping back into the daily grind has been a bit of a struggle. Between a creeping lack of "motivation" and dodging sickness, it's been tough. But here's the thing, sometimes we've just got to plant ourselves in that chair and do the work, even when every part of us is shouting for a break. It's about showing up for ourselves, even on the days when it feels like a Herculean effort.

In these moments, I've been turning to something a little unexpected—doodling and intuitive art. It's been my secret sauce for finding a slice of peace and tapping into that delicious flow state. It's amazing how these simple acts of creativity can be so grounding.

Weekly Dose of Inspiration:

🎧 Podcast Highlight: Check out Episode 053: Mirror Work on the podcast this week. It's a deep dive into how something as simple as mirror work can profoundly connect us with our inner selves and foster a loving, compassionate relationship with the person staring back at us. Click here to listen.​

đź’ˇ Weekly Wisdom: This week, I encourage you to carve out a quiet moment, take a deep breath, and ask yourself, "What does my soul need right now?" It's a powerful practice to connect with your inner wisdom and really hear what it has to say.

✨ Empowering Quote: "You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection." — Buddha. Remember, self-love is your birthright, not a reward you earn.

✨ Reflective Quote: "The only journey is the journey within." — Rainer Maria Rilke. This quote has been a gentle reminder for me that the answers we seek are often found in the quiet spaces within us.

âť“ Thought-Provoking Question: What small act of kindness can you offer yourself today? Remember, self-care isn't selfish; it's fundamental.

🎯 Challenge for the Week: This week, I challenge you to carve out a little time each day for something that puts you in your flow state, be it art, writing, gardening, or simply being in nature. Notice how these moments impact your overall well-being.

​A Gentle Reminder: Be kind to yourself, especially now. Whether it’s pushing through your to-do list or giving yourself permission to pause and create, what you need can change day by day. The important thing is to tune in and ask, “What do I need right now?” and then lovingly give that to yourself. Until next time, live your truth, love your life.


With love,



Let's Connect!

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​​Click to listen to the Live Your Truth Love Your Life Podcast on Spotify.​​

​​Click to listen to the Live Your Truth Love Your Life Podcast on Apple Podcasts.​​

1776 N Scottsdale Rd #881, Scottsdale, AZ 85253
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Hi! I'm Adrienne.

I'm Adrienne, a life coach 💜, the voice behind the Living With Loss podcast 🎙️, and the author of Scattered Thoughts on Loss: Grief Haikus 📖. I provide grief support to help you create emotional stability and find happiness, peace, and purpose. You may not have chosen all the changes or the loss in your life, but you get to choose what happens next.✨ Let’s pick up the pieces so you can REALLY live again. 🦋

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