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Hi! I'm Adrienne.

Craft Your Day, Shape Your Emotions

Hey there, Reader!

This week, I’ve embarked on a little experiment about living with intention, specifically around curating how I want to feel every single day. Choosing activities that align with your desired emotional state can truly transform your day. For moments of peace, I’ve found solace in the creative freedom of intuitive art. When I’m craving a bit of fun, I’ve turned to the simple joy of Legos. And for those times when I need to let loose and shake off the day, dancing it out to an upbeat song has been my go-to solution. It might sound a bit out there, but this approach has been a game-changer for me, allowing me to choose how I want to feel, rather than being at the mercy of the external chaos of daily life.

Your Weekly Dose of Inspiration:

🎧 Podcast Highlight: Don’t miss Episode 054: Create Inner Peace - A Guided Meditation. It’s a heartfelt invitation to find a quiet spot, take a deep breath, and journey with me into a state of calm and tranquility that’s waiting just beneath the surface of our busy lives.

💡 Weekly Wisdom: Take a moment this week to pause and reflect. Ask yourself, "What’s one piece of wisdom my inner self is trying to share with me?" It’s a powerful practice to connect with the guidance that’s always available to us when we just listen.

✨ Empowering Quote: "Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does." — William James. This quote is a beautiful reminder that the smallest actions can have the most significant impacts.

✨ Reflective Quote: "The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts." — Marcus Aurelius. Let’s challenge ourselves to foster positive, empowering thoughts that light up our lives from the inside out.

❓ Thought-Provoking Question: What’s one small action you can take today that aligns with how you want to feel?

🎯 Challenge for the Week: Identify three emotions you want to invite more of into your life. For each, choose a simple activity that embodies that feeling and commit to integrating it into your day. Reflect on how these actions shape your emotional landscape.

As we journey through the rest of this week, I invite you to ponder: How do you want to feel? Achieving that feeling doesn’t have to be complicated. It's about making space for those emotions through intentional choices and actions. Remember, you have the power to shape your emotional experience. Until next time, live your truth, love your life.


With love,



PS: Quick reminder – if you’re looking to explore intentional living or find new strategies for personal growth, I’m here for you. Book a complimentary 30-minute coaching session. It’s a great chance for us to connect and see how we can work together to achieve your goals. Know someone who might benefit? Feel free to share this invite with them too. Let's make it happen!


Let's Connect!

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​​Click to listen to the Live Your Truth Love Your Life Podcast on Spotify.​​

​​Click to listen to the Live Your Truth Love Your Life Podcast on Apple Podcasts.​​

1776 N Scottsdale Rd #881, Scottsdale, AZ 85253
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Hi! I'm Adrienne.

I'm Adrienne, a life coach 💜, the voice behind the Living With Loss podcast 🎙️, and the author of Scattered Thoughts on Loss: Grief Haikus 📖. I provide grief support to help you create emotional stability and find happiness, peace, and purpose. You may not have chosen all the changes or the loss in your life, but you get to choose what happens next.✨ Let’s pick up the pieces so you can REALLY live again. 🦋

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